Parbat, February 2
Lopre of Parbat is a village mostly occupied by the Magar community.
To reach this village in Jaljala Rural Municipality-5, one must travel a distance of 13 kilometres from Beni. Beni can be reached in four hours from Pokhara, and Lopre village is a two-hour journey from there.

From this village, one can witness the breathtaking scenery of mountains like Dhaulagiri, Annapurna and Machhapuchhre.

Domestic and international tourists flock from various places to witness these majestic mountains.
To cater to the visitors, a homestay has been established at Falame Danda.

The homestay offers clean accommodations designed specifically for tourists, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

To boost tourism in Lopre village, an owl festival has been organized starting today. Raju Acharya, actively involved in coordinating the festival, believes that the two-day owl festival will contribute significantly to the promotion of tourism in the area.